As many all know, I did watch the opening ceremony and made a post about it underneath. What I did not know and had no idea of was the story of Lin Hao. My eyes was actually filled with tears when I read the statement below made by Vonnie and especially that line: "Because I am the class captain, if I don't do it who will?" was really touching. He was such a brave boy and deserves to be recognised! Lin Hao is a true hero of China.
I think the most heart-pounding moment was when china's team entered, the crowd roared and the little boy who survived the Sichuan earthquake who walked with Yao Ming is an amazing boy, he not only managed to save himself from the wreckage but went back in the wreckage to save his classmates and his only reason was "Because I am the class captain, if I don't do it who will?". A 9 year old boy whose maturity truly exceeds his age =D
- Vonnie @ Batgwa.Community
I was one of many people who questioned "who is that little boy?" when he came out with Yao Ming and like Vonnie said, I even thought he was Yao's son for a moment! Before all that, however, there was actually some difficulties for Lin Hao to get into the bird's nest because he wasn't an "athlete" therefore security didn't let him in. Here is an article in more detail.
Source : http://fairytale-promise.blogspot.com/ (The Chinese blog)
Source : http://fairytale-promise.blogspot.com/ (The Chinese blog)
Komen Aku : Kisah seorang budak lelaki yang terselamat dalam kejadian gempa bumi di Sichuan, China yang patut dijadi kan satu tauladan untuk di ikuti dan di contohi. Walaubagaimana pun aku bukan nak fokus pada budak itu tapi pada bendera yang di pegang nya. Cuba perhati kan budak lelaki mangsa gempa bumi itu, mengibarkan bendera Negara China dalam keadaan terbalik sebagai simbol atau isyarat “Nation in Distress” akibat gempa bumi yang melanda.
Agak nya ini lah yang cuba nak diberi tahu oleh blogger Syed Azidi Syed Abdul Aziz (kickdefella.wordpress.com), bahawa mengibar bendera secara terbalik itu bukan satu kesalahan atau di anggap tidak menghormati bendera, sebalik nya untuk menunjuk kan ketidaktentuan/keadaan kesedihan/keadaan yang mendukacitakan dalam negara. Mungkin di Negara lain, berbuat begitu tidak menjadi masaalah tapi di Malaysia bagaimana???..jangan cari pasal......
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