
20 March 2009

Jutaan rakyat Perancis berdemontrasi - tidak puas hati cara kerajaan tangani krisis ekonomi

General view shows union members waving flags and banners during a protest march in Bordeaux March 19, 2009. Hundreds of thousands of people across France on Thursday began protests expected to draw at least a million demonstrators to the streets to denounce President Nicolas Sarkozy's handling of the economic crisis.-Photo Reuters

Jutaan rakyat Perancis turun ke jalan-jalan raya untuk berdemo bagi memprotes cara kerajaan Presiden Nicolas Sarkozy menangani krisis ekonomi. Demonstrasi tersebut dilakukan di kebanyakan kota kota besar Perancis, termasuk Paris, Lyon, dan Marseille.

Pihak kesatuan sekerja menganggarkan demontrasi kali ini melibat kan hampir 3 juta orang. Namun menurut pihak polis, jumlah nya hanya sekitar 1 juta orang ia itu sama seperti demo sebelum ini di buat pada penghujung Januari lepas. Di Kota Paris, misalnya, para pendemo mencapai sekitar 85 ribu orang.

Bangunan awam termasuk sekolah, mahkamah, pejabat pos, universiti dan hospital ditutup. Pengangkutan awam turut terganggu apabila terdapat lebih kurang 200 perarakan serentak di seluruh Perancis.

Berita asal: Millions take to the streets of France in protest (

A Demonstrator holds a banner with an image of Nicolas Sarkozy on it during a protest on March 19, 2009 in Paris, France. Thousands of demonstrators have gathered on the streets of Paris today to bring to the attention of the French government the need for more support for workers during the economic crisis. Nationwide strikes have been scheduled in upto 200 cities and towns in France.- Photo Reuters

General view shows public and private sector workers waving flags and banners during a protest march in Paris March 19, 2009. Hundreds of thousands of people across France on Thursday began protests expected to draw at least a million demonstrators to the streets to denounce French President Nicolas Sarkozy's handling of the economic crisis.

PARIS - MARCH 19: Protesters march through the streets of Paris on March 19, 2009 in Paris, France. Thousands of demonstrators have gathered on the streets of Paris today to bring to the attention of the French government the need for more support for workers during the economic crisis. Nationwide strikes have been scheduled in upto 200 cities and towns in France.


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